This is the API reference for the HiPay Enterprise JavaScript SDK in order to collect and tokenize customers’ sensitive information securely.

Including the JS SDK

The first step to use the HiPay Enterprise JavaScript SDK is to include it on your page.

<script src="https://libs.hipay.com/js/sdkjs.js"></script>
The SDK is exposed as a function in a global variable named HiPay. If you only use Hosted Fields via custom fields configuration, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you can manually include the base stylesheet to increase loading performance. It will be included automatically if you skip this step.
<link href="https://libs.hipay.com/themes/material.css" rel="stylesheet" />

HiPay Options

Once the HiPay Enterprise JavaScript SDK is included on your page, you can use the HiPay global variable to initialize the SDK.

var hipay = HiPay({
    username: "YOUR_PUBLIC_USERNAME",
    password: "YOUR_PUBLIC_PASSWORD",
    environment: "stage",
    lang: "en"

Create an instance of the HiPay JavaScript SDK using your HiPay public credentials. You can add options to select your environment.

string required
Public HiPay username
string required
Public HiPay password
string optional

Corresponds to the HiPay API environment you want to use.
Use stage to test your integration and use production to make real payments.

values: stageproduction
default: production

string optional

Languages to translate placeholders or error messages in Hosted Fields.

values: enfresitdeptnl, czpl
default: fr

object optional
Override the default translations.
See the Reference translations file.

The HiPay Instance


Directly call the tokenization API in order to tokenize credit card information. The function calls the API only if parameters are valid. You may prefer the Hosted Fields integration with hipay.create().

Tokenization request

The tokenize function accepts the following parameters.

string required
Cardholder’s name as it appears on the card
string required
Card number, with a 12- to 19-digit length
string required
Card expiry month, expressed with two digits (e.g.: 01)
string required
Card expiry year, expressed with two digits (e.g.: 22)
3- or 4-digit security code (called CVC2, CVV2 or CID depending on the card brand) as it appears on the credit card
boolean optional

Indicates if the token should be generated either for a single use or for multiple uses.

While a single-use token is typically generated for a short time and for processing a single transaction, multi-use tokens are generally generated for recurring payments.

Tokenization response

When successful, the tokenize function returns an object with the following fields.

Field nameDescription
tokenToken that was created
request_idRequest ID linked to the token
brandCard brand (e.g.: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro)
panCard number (up to 19 characters). Please note: due to PCI DSS security standards, our system has to mask credit card numbers in any output (e.g.: 549619**4769).
card_holderCardholder’s name
card_expiry_monthCard expiry month (2 digits)
card_expiry_yearCard expiry year (4 digits)
issuerCard-issuing bank’s name
Do not rely on this value to remain static over time. Bank names may change due to acquisitions and mergers.
countryBank country code where the card was issued. This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2).
card_typeCard type (if applicable, e.g.: “DEBIT”, “CREDIT”)
card_categoryCard category (if applicable, e.g.: “PLATINUM”)
payment_productHiPay Order API payment product code to pass to the order call
browser_infoBrowser information of the final user for PSD2

In case of an error, the function returns an error code describing what went wrong.


Directly call the tokenization API in order to update the token previously created with hipay.tokenize().

Please refer to the following documentation for parameters (update token API reference).

Please read this integration example of payment card with CVC forced. This example use updating token function.


Get the device fingerprint of the final user in order to send it to the HiPay API.


Get the browser information of the final user in order to send it to the HiPay API.

For 3-D Secure purposes, you need to send this information when the device channel is “02 – Browser”.


Inject the base stylesheet in your page dynamically.


Remove the base stylesheet from your page dynamically.

hipay.create(type, options)

The create function is the entry point of Hosted Fields instances.

var card = hipay.create(type, options);

Create function is the entry point to create Hosted PaymentsHosted Fields and Carousel instances.

var hostedPaymentInstance = hipay.create('hosted-payments', options);
var cardInstance = hipay.create('card', options);

This function creates an instance of the payment product specified by type (card here).

var carouselInstance = hipay.create('carousel', options);

carousel is an Hosted Fields instance

This function creates an instance of the payment product specified by type.


The type of payment product has to be instantiated as a string. Please note that each type has required options.

Hosted Payments

Type Description / [Fields]
hosted-payments Creates Hosted Payments instance with carousel and auto-generated payment form

Hosted Fields

Type Description / [Fields]
carousel Creates swipeable carousel displaying available payment products

A credit card accepting multiple brands (mastercard, visa, american-express, maestro, bancontact).

required fields: [cardHolder,cardNumber,expiryDate,cvc]

3xcb [] (redirection)
3xcb-no-fees [] (redirection)
4xcb [] (redirection)
4xcb-no-fees [] (redirection)
alma-3x [] (redirection)
alma-4x [] (redirection)
bancontact [] (redirection)
bcmc-mobile [] (redirection)
bnpp-3xcb [] (redirection)
bnpp-4xcb [] (redirection)
carte-cadeau [] (redirection)
credit-long [] (redirection)
giropay required fields: [issuer_bank_id]
ideal optional fields: [issuer_bank_id]
illicado required fields: [prepaid_card_numberprepaid_card_security_code]
klarna [] (redirection)
mbway required fields: [phone]
multibanco Payment reference
mybank [] (redirection)
paypal [] (redirection)
paysafecard [] (redirection)
payshop required fields: [email] (redirection)
postfinance-card [] (redirection)
postfinance-efinance [] (redirection)
przelewy24 [] (redirection)
sdd SEPA form
required fields: [genderfirstnamelastnameiban, bank_name]
sisal Payment reference
sofort-uberweisung [] (redirection)


Hosted Payments

Option Description


string required

Unique div id to generate the carousel and form in.

Hosted Fields type

objects optional

Override a specific form by adding object named with Hosted Fields type and configure it as if you create an Hosted Fields instance.
See options below for Hosted Fields config.
request object optional Object with specific properties related to the payment order request. See the Request configuration section below for more details.
object optional
Object with your custom styling CSS properties.
See the Styles configuration section below for more details.

Hosted Fields

There are two ways to create Hosted Fields configurations:

      • using template, to generate the HTML form template automatically,
      • using fields, to create a custom HTML template.

You have to specify only one of these options.

object optionalObject with your custom styling CSS properties.
See the Styles configuration section below for more details.

Option Description


string optional

If set to auto, it activates the generation of the HTML form template automatically.


string optional

Unique div id to generate the form when template: 'auto' is set.


object optional

Object with the fields to generate within your form. Each field has its own configuration.
See the Fields configuration section below for more details.
request object required for applepay Object with specific properties related to the payment order request. See the Request configuration section below for more details.


boolean optional

Only for card type. This boolean activates the multi_use option to add the one-click payment feature.


array optional

Only for card type. Accepted credit card brands. (ex: [‘visa’, ‘mastercard’])


array optional

Only for carousel type. Payment products to display in the carousel. Ex: [‘card’, ‘sdd’, ‘paypal’]


string optional

Only for carousel type. Base currency to filter carousel payments products by. This three-character currency code complies with ISO 4217. (‘EUR’, ‘USD’, ‘GBP’, …)


string optional

Only for carousel type. The country code of the customer to filter carousel payments product by. This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2).

Fields configuration

Fields have a common set of options and some field-specific options. Some fields are required when you generate a payment product.

Option Description


string optional

Unique div id to generate the Hosted Fields.
All fields have a default selector hipay-{payment product}-field-{field name}(cardHolder => hipay-card-field-cardHolder)


string optional

Customizes the placeholder text.
Be careful, default placeholders are translated according to the lang configuration.


boolean optional

Adds a clickable help button at the end of the field. An event is triggered on click.
For CVC, we also send a generic help message in this event.default: false


boolean optional
only text fields

Automatically capitalizes all alphabetical cardholder characters.

default: true


string optional
only cardHolder

Needs to be used together with defaultLastname. Used to prefill the cardholder field by concatenating defaultFirstname and defaultLastname.


string optional
only cardHolder

Needs to be used together with defaultFirstname. Used to prefill the cardholder field by concatenating defaultFirstname and defaultLastname.


boolean optional
only cardNumber

Hides the detected credit card type logo.
Default: false


boolean optional
only cardNumber

Disables the choice of the card network. Cobranding cards only (i.e. VISA/CB). Default: false


string optional
only cardNumber

Defines the style for the choice of the card network feature. Possible values:radio, logo or default. default is based on logo without outline.
Default: default


boolean optional
only cardNumber

Displays on the cardNumber field the logo of the accepted cards.
Default: true


boolean optional
except card fields

Used to prefill a given field with a default value.

Request configuration

This configuration specify payment order informations. These information will be used to adapt the autogenerated visual according to certain condition.

Option Description
string or number required for paypal
string recommended
The order amount of the request. It must be greater than zero, and can contain a maximum of 2 decimal places.
string required for paypal
See PayPal v2 JS reference
locale string optional See PayPal v2 JS reference
string required for applepay
See ApplePay Web JS reference
string required for applepay
See ApplePay Web JS reference
object required for applepay
See ApplePay Web JS reference
See ApplePay Web JS reference

Styles configuration

This configuration customizes the field internal appearance. The external appearance depends on your parent CSS file.

Internal styling is divided into 4 optional categories, each defined with an object.

Category Description
base Custom base style
valid CSS applied when the field is valid
invalid CSS applied when the field is invalid
disable CSS applied when the field is disabled

For each of the above categories, the following properties are available.

Property Description
properties colorfontSizefontFamilyfontStylefontVariantfontWeighttextDecorationiconColorplaceholderColorcaretColor , autofillBackgroundColor


Hosted Payments

<div id="hosted-payments"></div>
var options = {
    selector: 'hosted-payments',
    carousel: {
        currency: 'EUR'
    card: {
        multi_use: true
    styles: {
        base: {
            color: "#000000"
var hostedPaymentsInstance = hipay.create('hosted-payments', options);

Hosted Fields

The following object provides a configuration example for a credit card form on your page.

    <div id="card"></div>
var options = {
    template: 'auto',
    selector: 'card',
    multi_use: true,
    fields: {
        cardHolder: {
            uppercase: true,
            placeholder: 'John Doe'
        cvc: {
            helpButton: true
    styles: {
        base: {
          color: "#000000",
          fontSize: "15px",
          fontFamily: "Roboto",
          fontWeight: 400,
          placeholderColor: "#999999",
          iconColor: '#00ADE9',
          caretColor: "#00ADE9"
        invalid: {
          color: '#D50000',
          caretColor: '#D50000'
var cardInstance = hipay.create('card', options);

Hosted payments instances

Hosted payments instances are created by hipay.create('hosted-payments', config).

instance.on(‘event’, callback)

The only way to interact with your Hosted Payments instance is by listening to events. The following events are emitted by the Hosted Payments instance.


Emitted when the payment product changes, i.e. when an item is clicked on the carousel.

You can use this event to reset your submit button state.

Response: "new_payment_product"


Emitted when the payment product validity changes, i.e. when it goes from invalid to valid, and conversely, and when the error changes.

You can use this event to enable your submit button when your form is valid.

This event is always emitted when the form is ready after a paymentProductChange.

Response: { payment_product: string, valid: boolean, error_code: 'ERROR_CODE if error', error: translated error }

Example for an Hosted Payments instance:

hostedPaymentsInstance.on('paymentProductChange', function(response){ 
  /* Disable submit button */

hostedPaymentsInstance.on('validityChange', function(response){ 
  if(!response.valid) {
      /* Disable the submit button and display error */
   } else {
      /* Enable the submit button */


Use this function to get sensible data from the Hosted Payments form. To process the payment, send those data to HiPay Order API.


Order API parameter




The payment method used for the transaction. Depending on the payment product, parameters specific to the payment method are required.



Specific to credit or debit card payment products. This is the token obtained from the HiPay Secure Vault API when tokenizing a credit or debit card.



Specific to the PSD2. Object containing the browser information.The ipaddr and http_accept of the browser_info Order API parameter have to be added by your server.

You must enter the client’s IP and not the IP of your server or any other equipment. (Reverse-proxy)

Most CMS and frameworks have methods to get this IP.



This element should contain the value of the ioBB hidden field.

    function(result) {
        /* Send result.datas to your server */
    function(error) {
        /* Display error message */

When successful, this function returns an object with collected data. Example for a credit card:

    "payment_product": "visa",
    "token": "f12bfab3b4fs5q6der7895a98ab76",
    "request_id": "0",
    "brand": "VISA",
    "pan": "411111xxxxxx1111",
    "card_holder": "JOHN DOE",
    "card_expiry_month": "12",
    "card_expiry_year": "2031",
    "issuer": "ANY BANK",
    "country": "US",
    "card_type": "CREDIT",
    "device_fingerprint": "...",
    "browser_info": {
      "java_enabled": false,
      "javascript_enabled": true,
      "language": "fr-FR",
      "color_depth": 24,
      "screen_height": 900,
      "screen_width": 1600,
      "timezone": "-120",
      "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36",
      "ipaddr": "",
      "http_accept": ""

When failing, it returns an array containing all errors. Each error contains the field concerned, the error code and the translated message.


    "error": "Le numéro de la carte est invalide.",
    "error_code": "ERROR_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID",
    "field": "cardNumber"
    "error": "La date d'expiration est invalide.",
    "error_code": "ERROR_EXPIRY_DATE_INVALID",
    "field": "expiryDate"
    "error": "Le cryptogramme est manquant.",
    "error_code": "ERROR_CARD_CVC_MISSING",
    "field": "cvc"


Use this function to destroy properly the Hosted Payments instance. It will remove active event listeners and clean the HTML container.


Payment product instances

Payment product instances are created by hipay.create().

instance.on(‘event’, callback)

The only way to interact with your Hosted Fields form is by listening to events. The following events are emitted by the payment product instance.

Category Description

Emitted when all fields are fully loaded.

Response: None


Emitted when the payment product validity changes, i.e. when it goes from invalid to valid, and conversely, and when the error changes.

You can use this event to enable your submit button when your form is valid.

Response: { valid: boolean, error_code: 'ERROR_CODE if error', error: translated error }


Emitted when a help button is clicked inside a field.

Response: { element: 'field name clicked', message: 'help message for CVC' }


Emitted when the card type detected from the card number changes.

Response: cardType as string


Emitted when an input gains focus.

Response: { element:'input element', validity: object } The validity object contains booleans (focused, empty, disable, valid, potentiallyValid) and error(s), if any.


Emitted when an input loses focus.

Response: { element:'input element', validity: object } The validity object contains booleans (focused, empty, disable, valid, potentiallyValid) and error(s), if any.


Emitted when an input validity changes.

Response: { element:'input element', validity: object } The validity object contains booleans (focused, empty, disable, valid, potentiallyValid) and error(s), if any.


Emitted when a cobranding is detected. Only available with card payment method.

Response: boolean If true, HiPay has detected a cobranding card. Exemple VISA with CB.

card.on('change', function (response) {
  if (!response.valid) {
    /* Disable the pay button and display error */
  } else {
    /* Enable the pay button */

card.on('cobrandingChange', function (cobranded) {
  if (cobranded) {
    /* Card is cobranded */
  } else {
    /* Card is not cobranded */



This function has been deprecated. Please use instance.getPaymentData() instead.


Use this function to get data from the Hosted Fields iFrames. These data can be securely sent to your server to call the HiPay Order API. When successful, it returns the same object as hipay.tokenize() for cards and returns an object with field data for other types. In addition, it always returns the payment product and the device fingerprint inside this object. In case of error(s), it returns the list of error(s). Example for a credit card Hosted Fields instance.


Order API parameter




The payment method used for the transaction. Depending on the payment product, parameters specific to the payment method are required.



Specific to credit or debit card payment products. This is the token obtained from the HiPay Secure Vault API when tokenizing a credit or debit card.



Specific to the PSD2. Object containing the browser information.The ipaddr and http_accept of the browser_info Order API parameter have to be added by your server.

You must enter the client’s IP and not the IP of your server or any other equipment. (Reverse-proxy)

Most CMS and frameworks have methods to get this IP.



This element should contain the value of the ioBB hidden field.

    function(result) {
        /* Send result to your server */
    function(error) {
        /* Display error message */


  "payment_product": "visa",
  "token": "f39bfaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa12345a67ab89",
  "request_id": "0",
  "brand": "VISA",
  "pan": "411111xxxxxx1111",
  "card_holder": "JOHN DOE",
  "card_expiry_month": "12",
  "card_expiry_year": "2021",
  "issuer": "ANY BANK",
  "country": "US",
  "card_type": "CREDIT",
  "device_fingerprint": "...",
  "browser_info": {
      "java_enabled": false,
      "javascript_enabled": true,
      "language": "fr-FR",
      "color_depth": 24,
      "screen_height": 900,
      "screen_width": 1600,
      "timezone": "-120",
      "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36",
      "ipaddr": "",
      "http_accept": ""


    "field": "cardNumber",
    "error": "Card number is missing",
    "error_code": "ERROR_CARD_NUMBER_MISSING"
      "field": "cvc",
      "error": "CVC is invalid",
      "error_code": "ERROR_CARD_CVC_INVALID"


Use this function to properly destroy Hosted Fields instances.

It will remove active event listeners and clean iFrame containers. If you generated your form automatically via template: 'auto' configuration, it will clean the container.


Hosted Fields container

With the Hosted Fields integration, customization is entirely up to you. Thus, you are in control of the fields’ external layout (borderbackground, etc.). This customization is done by styling the div parent container of fields as if it were the input.

Hosted Fields adapt their width and height from the parent container. You need to explicitly specify a height to your container.

The example below adds a 1px bottom margin to your fields and sets their height to 24px.

    <div class="hostedfield" id="custom-card-holder"></div>
    <div class="hostedfield" id="custom-card-number"></div>
    <div class="hostedfield" id="custom-expiry-date"></div>
    <div class="hostedfield" id="custom-cvc"></div>
    height: 24px;
    border-bottom: solid 1px black;

To help you with styling, the following classes are toggled on div containers according to the internal state of fields.

HiPayField—emptyApplied when the field has an empty value
HiPayField—focusedApplied when the field is currently focused
HiPayField—validApplied when the field value is valid
HiPayField—invalidApplied when the field value is invalid (and not empty)

In your stylesheet, you can add rules like:

    border-bottom: solid 1px green;
    border-bottom: solid 1px red;

Base stylesheet

Base stylesheet refers to the default CSS stylesheet loaded when you use Hosted Payments or Hosted Fields with template: 'auto'.

This stylesheet is automatically added in the <head> of your HTML page, but you can include it manually to increase loading performance.

You can override necessary classes with your own CSS stylesheet to customize your forms.

<link href="https://libs.hipay.com/themes/material.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Reference translations file

You can override default translations with the following keys.

  "carousel-empty": "No available payment product",
  "placeholder-cardHolder": "Firstname Lastname",
  "placeholder-cardNumber": "1111 1111 1111 1111",
  "placeholder-expiryDate": "05 / 24",
  "placeholder-issuer_bank_id": "ABCDEFAA123",
  "placeholder-iban": "GB00 AAAA 0000 0000 0000 00",
  "placeholder-firstname": "Firstname",
  "placeholder-lastname": "Lastname",
  "placeholder-bank_name": "Bank name",
  "placeholder-cpf": "111.222.333-44",
  "placeholder-curp": "AABB801118MBSYAA11",
  "placeholder-company": "Company",
  "cvc-message": "The card verification code (CVC) is a 3 digits security code usually placed at the back of the credit card. For American Express cards, it is a 4 digits code at the front of the credit card.",
  "ERROR_CARD_HOLDER_ALPHANUMERICAL": "Card holder should be alphanumerical.",
  "ERROR_CARD_HOLDER_MAX_LENGTH": "Card holder maximum length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_CARD_HOLDER_MAX_DIGITS": "Card holder should not contain more than 8 digits.",
  "ERROR_CARD_HOLDER_INVALID": "Card holder is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID": "Card number is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CARD_BRAND_NOT_ALLOWED": "Card type is not allowed.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_DATE_INVALID_FORMAT": "Expiry date format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_DATE_PAST_DATE": "Expiry date can't be in the past.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_DATE_INVALID": "Expiry date is invalid.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_MONTH_INVALID_FORMAT": "Expiry month format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_MONTH_LENGTH_MAX": "Expiry month maximum length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_MONTH_INVALID": "Expiry month is invalid.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_YEAR_INVALID_FORMAT": "Expiry year format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_YEAR_LENGTH_MAX": "Expiry year max length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_YEAR_PAST_DATE": "Expiry year can't be in the past.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_YEAR_INVALID": "Expiry year is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CARD_CVC_FORMAT": "CVC format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CARD_CVC_MAX_LENGTH": "CVC max length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_CARD_CVC_INVALID": "CVC is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CARD_HOLDER_MISSING": "Card holder is missing.",
  "ERROR_CARD_NUMBER_MISSING": "Card number is missing.",
  "ERROR_EXPIRY_DATE_MISSING": "Expiry date is missing.",
  "ERROR_CARD_CVC_MISSING": "CVC is missing.",
  "ERROR_CARD_TOKENIZATION": "An error occurred during tokenization.",
  "ERROR_BIC_FORMAT": "BIC format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_BIC_MAX_LENGTH": "BIC maximum length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_BIC_INVALID": "BIC is invalid.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_FORMAT": "IBAN format is invalid.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_NOT_ALPHANUMERICAL": "IBAN should be alphanumerical.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_INVALID": "IBAN is invalid.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE": "IBAN country code is invalid.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_MAX_LENGTH": "IBAN maximum length is exceeded.",
  "label-cardHolder": "Fullname",
  "label-cardNumber": "Card number",
  "label-expiryDate": "Expiry date",
  "label-cvc": "CVC",
  "label-issuer_bank_id": "BIC",
  "label-iban": "IBAN",
  "label-firstname": "Firstname",
  "label-lastname": "Lastname",
  "label-bank_name": "Bank name",
  "label-gender": "Gender",
  "label-cpf": "CPF",
  "label-curp": "CURP/CPN",
  "label-gender-M": "Male",
  "label-gender-F": "Female",
  "label-gender-U": "Unknown",
  "label-client_type": "Client type",
  "label-client_type-B2B": "Business",
  "label-client_type-B2C": "Individual",
  "label-company": "Company",
  "label-company_type": "Company type",
  "label-company_type-SA": "SA",
  "label-company_type-SAS": "SAS",
  "label-company_type-SARL": "SARL",
  "label-company_type-EURL": "EURL",
  "label-company_type-SELARL": "SELARL",
  "label-company_type-SASU": "SASU",
  "label-company_type-SNC": "SNC",
  "label-company_type-SCP": "SCP",
  "label-company_type-EI": "EI",
  "label-company_type-EIRL": "EIRL",
  "ERROR_TEXT_FIELD_INVALID": "Text field is invalid.",
  "ERROR_TEXT_FIELD_INVALID_CHARACTERS": "Text field contains invalid characters.",
  "ERROR_TEXT_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH": "Text field maximum length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_TEXT_FIELD_MAX_DIGITS": "Text field should not contain more than 8 digits.",
  "ERROR_CPF_INVALID": "CPF is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CPF_NUMERICAL": "CPF should be numerical",
  "ERROR_CPF_MAX_LENGTH": "CPF maximum length is exceeded.",
  "ERROR_CURP_INVALID": "CURP is invalid.",
  "ERROR_CURP_ALPHANUMERICAL": "CURP should be alphanumerical",
  "ERROR_CURP_MAX_LENGTH": "CURP maximum length is exceeded.",
  "payment-means-redirection": "You will be redirected to an external payment page in order to finalize the transaction.",
  "ERROR_BANK_NAME_MISSING": "Bank name is missing.",
  "ERROR_FIRSTNAME_MISSING": "Firstname is missing.",
  "ERROR_LASTNAME_MISSING": "Lastname is missing.",
  "ERROR_COMPANY_MISSING": "Company name is missing.",
  "ERROR_IBAN_MISSING": "IBAN is missing.",
  "ERROR_NATIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER_MISSING": "National identification number is missing.",
  "ERROR_OCCURED": "An error occured."