Mirakl – Installation

Before starting the installation, please read all instructions and make sure you’ve gone through the Prerequisites article. Please note that all relative paths are relative to the root directory of the installation.

Application deployment  

This section describes how to install the HiPay Marketplace cash-out integration for Mirakl using Git and Composer, the PHP package manager. The software being installed is based on the Silex PHP micro-framework.
      1. Connect to your web server using SSH.
      2. Go to your web project directory (example: $ cd /var/www or $ cd /srv).
      3. Download and install Composer (if you haven’t already done so): $ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php — —filename=composer — —install-dir=/usr/local/bin
      4. Download the project using Git: $ git clone https://github.com/hipay/hipay-wallet-cashout-mirakl-integration hipay_mirakl
      5. Go to the project directory: $ cd hipay_mirakl.
      6. Install the project dependencies using Composer: $ composer install This step may take a few minutes to complete as the project and its dependencies are being downloaded and configured.
      7. (Optional) If you use the default log file (/var/log/hipay.log), run the following commands:
        1. $ touch /var/log/hipay.log
        2. $ chmod 755 /var/log/hipay.log
      8. (Optional) If you want to enable updates from GUI, run the following commands:
        1. $ chown -R < web_server_user >:< group_of_web_server_user > < path_to_your_install_dir >
        2. $ chmod 755 -R < path_to_your_install_dir >
Please note: if you don’t want to set these specific rights on your install folder, updates from GUI will be disabled. However, updates from command line will still be available. During the installation, Composer will ask you to provide some parameters, including your HiPay account credentials and your Mirakl API credentials. Please go to the Prerequisites article if you need more information about these parameters.

Webserver configuration  

This configuration depends on the web server software you rely on (Apache, Nginx, etc.). This software is based on the Silex PHP micro-framework. Therefore you can find a guide to configure your webserver at the following link. Make sure your webserver is pointing to the web folder at the root of the application. Note: if you are using Apache, .htaccess file must be created in the web folder of the application

HiPay cash-out notifications  

This section describes how to provide HiPay with information on how to reach your server in order to automatically inform your application upon transaction status update (for example, when a withdrawal has been validated). HiPay notifies your application through HTTP requests.
  1. Configure your web server so that HiPay can reach the web/index.php through HTTP (previous section).
  2. Note the URL from which the web/index.php/ is reachable (example: https://cashout.merchant-example.com/index.php/ or https://cashout.merchant-example.com/ depending of your webserver configuration). Then, contact HiPay’s Business IT Services by submitting a request to configure this URL as your marketplace notification URL.

Initialization and final check  

Go to the project directory: $ cd hipay_mirakl. Run the following command: $ php bin/console orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql --force. This command will initialize the database with the needed tables. You should get this database schema:


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
miraklId int(11) NO UNI NULL
email varchar(255) NO UNI NULL
hipayId int(11) NO UNI NULL
hipayUserSpaceId int(11) NO UNI NULL
hipayIdentified int(11) NO UNI NULL
vatNumber VARCHAR(255) NO UNI NULL
callbackSalt VARCHAR(255) NO UNI NULL
country VARCHAR(255) NO UNI NULL
paymentBlocked TINYINT(1) NO UNI NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
miraklId int(11) YES NULL
hipayId int(11) YES NULL
amount double NO NULL
originAmount double YES NULL
cycleDate datetime NO NULL
withdrawId varchar(255) YES UNI NULL
transferId varchar(255) YES UNI NULL
status int(11) NO NULL
updatedAt datetime NO NULL
paymentVoucher varchar(255) NO NULL
adjustementIds varchar(255) YES NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
vendor_id int(11) YES NULL
miraklDocumentId int(11) YES NULL
miraklUploadDate datetime NO NULL
documentType varchar(255) NO NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name longtext NO NULL
error longtext YES NULL
started_at datetime NO NULL
ended_at datetime YES NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
miraklId int(11) YES NULL
action longtext YES NULL
message longtext NO NULL
context longtext NO NULL
level smallint(6) NO NULL
level_name varchar(50) NO NULL
extra longtext NO NULL
created_at datetime NO NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
miraklId int(11) YES NULL
hipayId int(11) YES NULL
paymentVoucher varchar(255) NO NULL
dateCreated datetime YES NULL
amount double NO NULL
originAmount double YES NULL
statusTransferts int(11) YES NULL
statusWithDrawal int(11) YES NULL
message longtext YES NULL
balance varchar(255) YES NULL


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
miraklId int(11) NO NULL
hipayId int(11) NO NULL
login varchar(255) YES NULL
statusWalletAccount int(11) NO NULL
status int(11) NO NULL
message varchar(255) YES NULL
nbDoc int(11) NO NULL
date datetime NO NULL
country VARCHAR(255) NO UNI NULL
paymentBlocked TINYINT(1) NO UNI NULL
To verify that your software is properly installed and configured, please go to the URL you sent to HiPay (example: https://cashout.merchant-example.com/index.php/dashboard). The login page of the dashboard should be displayed. If that’s not the case, make sure that you properly configured the parameters.yml file and that all the information provided in it is correct.