Mirakl – Daily Usage

The HiPay Marketplace cash-out integration for Mirakl is intended to be used with a cron, but can be used directly from the command line. In fact, this software is supposed to execute tasks automatically, which is why you need to configure cron jobs (or any other alternative) that will execute commands at the appropriate time automatically.

Please note that default values for command line arguments/parameters are defined in the parameters.yml file.

There are 4 main commands that need to be run automatically by relying on cron jobs:

      • Vendor processing,
      • Cash-out generation,
      • Transfer processing,
      • Withdrawal processing.

There are also two debug and one update commands that do not need to be run using a cron job:

      • Listing wallet accounts,
      • Getting bank information,
      • Recovering vendor logs from past executed cron.


In some cases, the HiPay integration for Mirakl can encounter errors or issues that cannot be managed automatically. In such a case, a notification is sent by email in order to inform you about the issue. The email recipient can be configured in the parameters.yml file. When this documentation refers to a “notification” being sent upon error, it means an email notification.

Vendor processing  

Command call

$ php bin/console vendor:process


      1. Retrieves the vendors from Mirakl.
      2. Saves the vendors: creates the HiPay account, if not already created, or gets the HiPay account number from HiPay.
      3. Validates them.
      4. Transfers the KYC files from Mirakl to the HiPay platform.
      5. Adds the bank information on the HiPay account, if not already done, or checks HiPay’s bank information against the data from Mirakl to make sure they match. If these are not the same, an error notification is sent.

Once the HiPay Marketplace cash-out integration for Mirakl is installed, you may call this method without the lastUpdate argument, just as below:

$ php bin/console vendor:process

This will make the command retrieve all the stores of your Mirakl instance and will synchronize all of them into the connector and into the HiPay platform. Then, the command may be run regularly with the lastUpdate parameter in order to only retrieve the new stores or the recently updated ones (please see the cron example).


lastUpdateDateNoDate of the last update of Mirakl stores. If not provided, all stores will be retrieved.


tmpPathStringPath where the documents should be saved temporarily before being sent to HiPay.

Cron example

Please see below an example of how your cron job may be configured. Replace path/to/bin/console by the proper path to the console file. This command should be run as often as the vendors update their data.

0 */6 * * * php path/to/bin/console vendor:process “24 hour ago”

In this cron example, the command will be run every 6 hours, retrieving the stores which have been updated in the last 24 hours. Retrieving the stores updated in the last 24 hours instead of the last 6 hours allows to handle some rare issues (for example, in case the command failed once because of a network issue disallowing it from reaching Mirakl or HiPay). In such a case, the stores would be synchronized on the next command call.

Cash-out generation  

Command call

$ php bin/console cashout:generate


      1. Retrieves the PAYMENT transactions from Mirakl to get all the invoices of the cycle.
      2. Gets the amount due to the vendors and the operator from the invoices.
      3. Creates the operations to be executed afterwards, validates and saves them.
      4. Adjusts operations amount to deal with past negative operations.


cycleDateDateNoSets the cycle date


executionDateStringDate to consider for cycle date computing
intervalBeforeIntervalInterval to subtract from cycleDate
intervalAfterIntervalInterval to add to cycleDate

Cron example

Please see below an example of how your cron job may be configured. Replace path/to/bin/console by the proper path to the console file. This command should be run right after the payment cycle has been made in Mirakl.

30 0 * * * php path/to/bin/console cashout:generate `date +%Y-%m-%d`

Transfer processing  

Command call

$ php bin/console cashout:transfer


      1. Executes, on the HiPay platform, the transfer of operations in statuses TRANSFER_NEGATIVE, TRANSFER_FAILED and CREATED (in this order).


This command doesn’t have any argument.


This command doesn’t have any option.

Cron example

Please see below an example of how your cron job may be configured. Replace path/to/bin/console by the proper path to the console file.

This command should be run when you have payments you want to transfer to your sellers (basically, after completion of the cashout:generate command). Moreover, this command also handles the operations in error. For example, if an operation failed because the HiPay account was not identified at that time, the operation processing should be retried later. Therefore, it’s a good practice to run this command once a day. In that case, this command will be run after the cashout:generate command and will also be run any other day in the month, in case operations would be in error.

0 2 * * * php path/to/bin/console cashout:transfer

Withdrawal processing  

Command call

$ php bin/console cashout:withdraw


      1. Executes, on the HiPay platform, the withdrawal of operations in statuses WITHDRAW_NEGATIVE, WITHDRAW_FAILED and TRANSFER_SUCCESS (in this order).


This command doesn’t have any argument.


This command doesn’t have any option.

Cron example

Please see below an example of how your cron job may be configured. Replace path/to/bin/console by the proper path to the console file.

This command should be run when you have payments you want to withdraw from your sellers’ wallet account and transfer to their bank account (basically, after completion of the cashout:transfer command). Moreover, this command also handles the operations in error. For example, if an operation failed because the HiPay account was not identified at that time, the operation processing should be retried later. Therefore, it’s a good practice to run this command once a day.

0 4 * * * php path/to/bin/console cashout:withdraw

Listing wallet accounts  

Command call

$ php bin/console vendor:wallet:list


      1. Retrieves the HiPay account information associated with a merchant group ID (associated with an entity).
      2. Displays it in a table.


merchantGroupIdIntegerNoMerchant group ID for retrieving HiPay accounts


This command doesn’t have any option.

Getting bank information  


      1. Retrieves the bank information status for a specific HiPay account ID.
      2. If that status is validated, displays the information stored by HiPay.


hipayIdIntegerYesHiPay account ID used to retrieve the bank information status


This command doesn’t have any option.

Recovering vendor logs 

Command call

$ php bin/console logs:vendors:recover


      1. Retrieves every saved vendor in the database.
      2. If a vendor has no log, creates one.


This command doesn’t have any argument.


This command doesn’t have any option.


The following table describes the data in the parameters.yml file. The user you run the commands with should have write access to all the paths you use in this file.

Mirakl web service  

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
mirakl.frontKeyString Mirakl API Front key (provided by Mirakl)
mirakl.operatorKeyString Mirakl API Operator key (provided by Mirakl)

Mirakl cycles  

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
cycle.daysArray[1, 11, 21]Array of days (1 to 28) on which the cycle is run in the month
cycle.hourInteger0Hour on which the cycle is run
cycle.minuteInteger0Minute on which the cycle is run
cycle.interval.beforeString12 hoursTime to subtract from the cycle time to form an interval from which to fetch the transactions from Mirakl
cycle.interval.afterString12 hoursTime to subtract from the cycle time to form an interval from which to fetch the transactions from Mirakl


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
hipay.wsLoginString HiPay web service login key for the technical account
hipay.wsPasswordString HiPay web service password key for the technical account
hipay.baseUrlString Base URL to HiPay web service
hipay.entityString Provided by HiPay
hipay.localeStringfr_FRLocale of created accounts. Format should be: languageCode_ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country code
hipay.timezoneStringEurope/ParisTime zone of created accounts. Please see the php manual for a list of time zones.
hipay.merchantGroupIdInteger Provided by HiPay
hipay.transfer.withdraw.restBooleantrueUse REST api instead of SOAP api

HiPay accounts  

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
account.technical.emailString Email of the HiPay technical account
account.technical.hipayIdInteger ID of the HiPay technical account
account.operator.emailString Email of the HiPay operator’s account
account.operator.hipayIdInteger ID of the HiPay operator’s account

HiPay labels  

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
label.publicStringPublic {{miraklId}} – {{hipayId}} – {{cycleDate}}Public label for HiPay transfers. Please see hereafter for more details.
label.privateStringPrivate {{miraklId}} – {{hipayId}} – {{cycleDate}}Private label for HiPay transfers. Please see hereafter for more details.
label.withdrawStringWithdraw {{miraklId}} – {{hipayId}} – {{cycleDate}}Withdrawal label for HiPay withdrawals. Please see hereafter for more details.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
db.driverStringpdo_mysqlPHP PDO driver. Please refer to the php manual for a list of PDO drivers.
db.hostString DB hostname
db.usernameString DB username
db.passwordString DB password
db.nameString DB name
db.portInteger DB port


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
debugBooleanfalseActivates Debug mode
db.logger.levelInteger300Minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered
default.tmp.pathString/tmpDefault path to save the downloaded zip file
log.file.pathString/var/log/hipay.logPath to the log file
cashout.transactionFilterRegexStringnullUsed to filter cash-out transactions. Leave null if you don’t know what to do with it.
dashboard.localeStringfrDefault locale for the dashboard

Log level  



Labels give a description of the transaction (transfer or withdrawal) and appear on the account statement. For label parameters (label.public, label.private, label.withdraw), the following placeholder strings can be used, which will be replaced before sending the data to HiPay. Each string must be surrounded by {{ and }} to be replaced.

miraklIdStore ID if it exists, or operator ID in case of an operator’s operation
amountAmount of the operation
hipayIdHiPay account ID
cycleDateCycle date of the operation
cycleDateTimeCycle date and time of the operation
cycleTimeCycle time of the operation
dateExecution date of the operation
dateTimeExecution date and time of the operation
timeExecution time of the operation


Please find below the description of each operation status listed in the operations table.

CREATED1The operation has been created.
ADJUSTED_OPERATIONS2The operation has been adjusted (concerns past negative operations).
TRANSFER_SUCCESS3The transfer has been executed with success.
TRANSFER_REQUESTED4The transfer has been requested with success.
WITHDRAW_REQUESTED5The withdrawal has been requested with success.
WITHDRAW_SUCCESS6The withdrawal has been executed with success.
INVALID_AMOUNT-1The amount of the operation is invalid (lower than or equal to 0), it will not be processed.
TRANSFER_VENDOR_DISABLED-5Payments for this vendor are disabled on Mirakl back-office, the transfer is blocked.
WITHDRAW_VENDOR_DISABLED-6The vendor is disabled on Mirakl back-office, the withdraw is blocked.
WITHDRAW_FAILED-7The withdrawal has been executed and failed.
WITHDRAW_CANCELED-8The withdrawal has been canceled.
TRANSFER_FAILED-9The transfer has been executed and failed.
TRANSFER_NEGATIVE-10The transfer has not been executed because there are not enough funds in the HiPay technical account.
WITHDRAW_NEGATIVE-11The withdrawal has not been executed because there are not enough funds in the wallet account.
WITHDRAW_PAYMENT_BLOCKED-12Payments for this vendor are disabled on Mirakl back-office, the withdraw is blocked.